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Automating Prior Authorization Across Massachusetts: We can do this, together

Join the Network for Excellence in Health Innovation and Massachusetts Health Data Consortium as we share our recommendations for automating prior authorization across Massachusetts within the next two years.

These recommendations are a result of our 12-month project with a group of stakeholders that included payers, providers, technical service providers, and federal and state regulators.
Over 90 minutes, we will:
  • Provide a brief overview of prior authorization automation and its benefits,
  • Examine the upcoming CMS Final Rule (‘Advancing Interoperability and Improving Prior Authorization Processes’) and the subsequent technological changes faced by impacted payers,
  • Detail our plan to implement automation activities in Massachusetts,
  • Describe the stakeholder considerations that molded our recommendations, and
  • Hear reactions to our plan from payers, providers, vendors, and you!

Watch our FULL webinar here:

 Download the corresponding slides here: Slides

Read the corresponding report here: Advancing Prior Authorization Automation Across Massachusetts

Wendy Warring, J.D.

Wendy Warring, J.D.

President & CEO, NEHI

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